Windows 7 x64: SignTool Error: Signtool requires CAPICOM version or higher.

After running recent updates on my Windows 7 machine the following…

Windows could not finish configuring the system… Sysprep fail

An annoying error this morning. After prepping a laptop, running…

PepperByte sponsert Hans-Jos Liefhebber voor zijn derde keer Dakar!

Ook in 2011 zal Hans Jos Liefhebber, o.a. gesponsord door PepperByte,…

Citrix Web Interface: don’t detect the ICA client

In some cases, okay rare cases, you don't want to display an…


When receiving the following error while installing Windows Vista…

DeNamiK LoadGen 2.1 is released!

DeNamiK is proud to present the DeNamiK LoadGen 2.1. With the…

Exporting data from SQL to XML

Exporting data from a SQL database to a XML file is very easy,…

Google and Marco :)

As promised on our crew session…

Scripting or programming the Performance Counters

It’s possible to connect to the Performance Counters of a remote…

Disable Clipboard on a Remote Desktop Connection

When programming or scripting the Remote Desktop Connection,…