Script snippets in PowerShell ISE

There are many PowerShell editors out there on the Internet,…

Citrix PVS: Optimize endpoint with PowerShell

With Citrix PVS the content of a disk is streamed over the network…

Configure Citrix Session Printer via PowerShell

In a previous article I explained how you can set Citrix (domain)…

Telnet with PowerShell with RES Automation Manager

Today I want to build an PowerShell script for a customer that…

Change Proxy settings based on connected network with PowerShell

If you work for a lot of different customers it becomes a drag…

RES AM 2012 SR4 with PowerShell 3.0 support

Recently RES Automation Manager 2012 SR4 was released. One of…

Emailing collected eventlog data with PowerShell

Today I am helping an IT department who want a daily insight…

Set Citrix policies via PowerShell

Author : Ingmar Verheij Since Citrix XenApp 6.0 and XenDesktop…

Configure WANem via PowerShell

If you want to simulate a WAN connection (lower bandwidth,…

Change XenApp 6.5 edition via PowerShell

Author : Ingmar Verheij If you wanted to change the product…